Monday, May 13, 2013

Things 4

2B.) Bowker looks over and sees Kiowa struggling and sinking further and further into the dirt and grime. Grasping Kiowa’s boot, Bowker attempts to help him out of the muddy ground. Realizing him and Kiowa’s lives are both in danger, he decides to take a risk and try to save Kiowa. He eventually pries Kiowa out of the mud just long enough for him to get on his feet and run towards cover. Norman Bowker however, remains stuck and dies in the mucky field after saving Kiowa’s life. Because of this act of courage, Bowker receives numerous awards and died in attempt to fulfill the dream of making his father proud.

Things 3

2A.) Bowker decides that his feet are sinking much too deeply into the ground and, using his natural instinct, he stops worrying about Kiowa and frees himself from the swallowing pit of mud. After doing so, he is relieved to have saved his own life, but regretful about having to leave Kiowa to die. This story haunts Bowker in a way. Not only does he feel guilty for Kiowa’s death, but he realizes the honor and pride that he would have received, had he saved him. After returning home from war, he realizes the impact that event could have had on the pride his father had in him and his accomplishments. Had he saved Kiowa, Norman Bowker would have received the Silver Start Award and felt as though he gave his father something to be proud of. This begins to take a toll on Bowker’s life and he becomes depressed. Norman writes Tim O’Brien, telling him of how this tragedy has ruined his life. After O’Brien decides to include the story in his novel, Norman Bowker hangs himself.

Things 2

1B.) After the group of Vietnamese women instilled a sense of fear in the group, Jimmy Cross leads the group in packing up and relocating. After walking along the route of the river, the group finds another open field that looks like a promising camp site. The field is covered patchily with grass and occasional mud. “This will do,” says Cross. They set up their camp there and retreat to their respective tents. When a raid by Viet Cong soldiers wakens them in the night, the group quickly grabs their weapons and begins to fight back. Taking cover behind his tent, Norman Bowker takes a glimpse at the scene in front of him. From across camp, he sees Kiowa crouched behind his tent as well. The two make eye contact and Kiowa decides to come out from behind his tent and join the fight. Kiowa starts running across the camp site. Bowker spots a Viet Cong soldier begin to take aim at Kiowa. Bowker jumps out from behind the tent toward Kiowa. He leaps in front of him just as the soldier takes a shot in their direction. Norman Bowker dies instantly while saving Kiowa’s life.

Things 1

1A.) When the group decides to stay, they continue setting up camp and get settled in. They begin to notice a foul odor and become curious as to what it could be. They soon realize that they have become stationed on a sewage field. It begins raining and the terrain of the field becomes more mushy and mucky. When the camp begins to be attacked and , panic sets in. The ground beneath them seems to be swallowing them up. Norman Bowker and Kiowa both begin to sink into the wet, bubbling ground. Bowker realized that he had two options: either save himself and leave Kiowa to fend for himself(2A) or save Kiowa and risk his own life(2B). Which should he do? (2A or 2B)


1.) One night, while in the Song Tra Bong, Norman Bowker and company find rest in what they believe to be an open field next to a river. They set up camp and prepare to stay the night. To their confusion, a group of women come rushing over, seemingly alarmed at the group’s presence on the field. It is obvious they don’t want them staying in there and the group looks around, confused as to what the women are talking about. Lieutenant Jimmy Cross sends the women away, not taking into account what seems to be worrying them. Should the group: A) stay the night on the field or B) relocate?

Solomon 19

2b2. Deciding that his best option is to attempt to erase the memories of Hagar from his mind, Milkman spends his days doing wasting away. His only friend, Guitar, has been consumed by his work in the Seven Days, leaving Milkman with nothing to live for.

Solomon 18

2b1. Choosing to apologize Hagar for what he had done and the manner in which he did it, he mustered up the courage to go to her house and ask for her forgiveness. Pilate answered the door and upon request showed milkman to Hagar’s room. Opening the door Milkman finds Hagar lying on her mattress motionless. Trying to get her attention multiple times without avail he begins to plead fro forgiveness. Without even letting him finish Hagar leapt out of her bed a new person, accepting the apology with no hesitation, as milkman was her one and only love. Milkman left his old ways behind giving up on the few things that he had, joining the three women in the old shack which he spent his the rest of his life happy and with Hagar.

Solomon 17

2b. Giving up on his dreams he quits his job no longer having to work for his father. He spends hi days smoking and drinking, leaching off of his fathers wealth. With nowhere to go he begins to thin of the love he once shared with Hagar. Should Milkman try to apologize to Hagar or try to erase those memories from his mind? 2b1. Apologize to Hagar. 2b2. Try to forget.

Solomon 16

2a2. Choosing to take over the family business, Milkman is chained to the place he wants to leave and forget. As he grows older his aspirations grow weaker. He carries on life never knowing his heritage or fulfilling his dreams. Each day resembles his father more and more the man he so desperately wanted to distance himself from.

Solomon 15

2a1b. Choosing to investigate his roots and understand where he came from he starts his travels in Pennsylvania where hi father and aunt spent some of their childhood after the death of their father. His discoveries lead him to Shalimar Virginia where he begins to unearth his heritage. Now knowing where he came from Milkman is now free to live his life. He meets his true love and spends his life never to return to Michigan.

Solomon 14

2a1a. Choosing to see where the wind may take him, Milkman spends the rest of his life traveling the country and even the world. After years of traveling he finally meets the love life in France where he spends the rest of his life free and alive.

Solomon 13

2a1. After selling his fathers business Milkman has all of the money he needs to explore his dream. He is now left with decision of what he will do first. Should he let loose and see where the wind takes him or investigate his roots. 2a1a. Let loose. 2a1b. Investigate his roots.

Solomon 12

2a. For the next three years milkman continues living the life he so desperately wants to leave. The days drag on and his friendship with Guitar grows more and more distant. During this time Macon Jr. health had taken a turn for the worse and after a year of fighting his illness he could no longer hold on. As the oldest son Milkman inherited his father business. Should Milkman sell what his father worked so hard to have or become the new owner as his father had hoped? 2a1. Sell the business. 2a2. Takeover the business.

Solomon 11

2. After declining his father’s offer, Milkman must find another way to fund with intended travels. With very few options he is left with the choice of working for his father or giving up on his dreams. Which should he choose? 2a. Milkman continues working for his father. 2b. Milkman gives up on his dreams and quits his job.

Solomon 10

1b. Electing to do it himself, Milkman arrives at the small house and after much deliberation, hoists himself through the window hitting his head as he went through. Unable to keep his balance he tumbles onto the wooden floor awaking the three women. Hagar, already livid from Milkman’s rejected love can stand it no longer, she attacks Milkman with a knife, who is still on the ground dazed and confused. Pilate and Reba stand by and watch as Hagar unleashes her rage stabbing and killing Milkman and relieve her pain.

Solomon 9

1a2b. After refusing the men’s offer to go hunting Milkman runs into a dead end with his research. He returns to Michigan only to find that the only women he has ever loved, Hagar, has killed herself over his rejected love. With nothing to live for, no love, no information of his heritage Milkman finds himself with nothing to live for and kills himself at the grave of his lover.

Solomon 8

1a2a. Milkman joins the men on their hunting trip finding it difficult to keep up with his partner. As he begins to fall behind he spots a bobcat, which seems to be moving toward him. With no other choice milkman shoots and kills the bobcat intern earning the respect of the men. He returns to town revered as a hunting expert and falls in love with the girls he who cleaned his wounds the day before. He spends the remainder of his life in Shalimar never returning to his hometown and becoming one with his heritage.

Solomon 7

1a1b. In Milkman’s attempts to talk the angry man down he only incites more anger. Left with no weapon the man attacks milkman with a knife stabbing him to death in the drugstore.

Solomon 6

1a1a. The two men fight and are eventually broken up both with minor injuries. After spending a few more days in Shalimar and nearly die at the hands of Guitar he returns to Michigan to tell his family of his new knowledge of their heritage. He returns once more to Shalimar with Pilate to burry the skeleton that he has discovered during his travels is his grandfather, Macon Dead. As they are burying the remains Guitar shoots and kills Pilate as she is placing her earing in the grave. Milkman proceeds to charge guitar and takes flight just as his Great-grandfather had many years ago.

Solomon 5

1a2. Milkman continues his travels eventually finding himself in the small town of Shalimar with a broken down car. He finds a local drugstore hoping to get his car repaired with no success. Instead his northern manners get him in trouble with the local men eventually getting in a fight. The men are broken up neither of whom suffer any substantial injury. Milkman is sent to the home of one of the women who cleans him up after the fight. The next day the older men ask Milkman to join then on a hunting trip with which milkman has no experience. Should he join them or not. 1a2a. Yes 1a2b. No

Solomon 4

1a1. Milkman continues his trek to Shalimar where he finds himself in a local drugstore conversing with the men of the small town who seem distained with the manner which Milkman is holding himself. The conversation takes a turn for the worse when one of the men begins to threaten Milkman. Should he stand up for himself and fight or try to diffuse the situation. 1a1a. Fight the man in the store. 1a1b. Try to diffuse the situation.

Solomon 2

1a. After devising their plan, Milkman and Guitar approach Pilate’s house during the night and after much deliberation finally crawl through the window of the small house and grab the green tarp off of the hook which it hung. Surprised by the weight of the tarp, much lighter than excepted, Milkman and Guitar discover the contents not to be not gold but a skeleton. Pilate explains Milkman, Guitar, and Macon Jr. that she returned to the site where they left the gold only to find the bones which they believe to be from the man they killed. After this discovery Milkman goes on a trip to Pennsylvania and eventually Shalimar Virginia. During his trip while waiting at for a train an elderly man is trying to load a crate onto the train. Should Milkman help the man load the crate onto the train? 1a1. Yes 1a2. No

Solomon 1

1. As milkman plans to steal what he thinks is a sack of gold he begins to think he may need some help as silently sneaking into a house and stealing a heavy tarp full of gold may be a two person job. Milkman came to the decision of either asking guitar for help with the heist or doing it alone. 1a. Ask Guitar for help 1b. Do it alone.


At the age of 32 Milkman finds himself living with his parents, leading a mundane and uninteresting life. He works for his father and lacks the drive to pursue a career of his own. His childhood was spent as an outsider, living a life of class and possession, and he is left with only one true friend. As he carries on, mulling through each day, Milkman decides that he needs to move on. He feels stifled living with his parents and wants to escape. He approaches his father about his recent decision who offers milkman the opportunity to fund his travels. Macon Jr. believes that his sister Pilate is in possession of a treasure of gold that they had stumbled upon in there childhood which they were forced to leave behind. Macon offers milkman a portion of the gold if he steels it from Pilate. 1. Milkman agrees to steal the gold from Pilate. 2. Milkman declines the offer, and finds another way to make the money.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ceremony 7

Tayo tries to stay home and act like nothing has happened but he keeps thinking of Rocky being shot by the enemy in cold blood. Tayo wakes up one day and heads over to the recruiters office and signs the paper. Within four months he is on a boat heading towards the Pacific. He is stationed on a huge ship that is about to launch an attack on an island. He is loaded into the personnel transporter ships and heads towards the land. Bullets are ricocheted all around him. Finally the front dropped down and Tayo charged off the boat first. However the boat had been stuck on a coral reef and the water was twelve feet deep. Combined with his clothing and all his gear Tayo couldn’t swim to the surface and he drowned.

Ceremony 10

Tayo packs up and leaves for California abruptly. He gets a job working as a sales person at a telephone company. He is able to send money back to his family every week and eventually saves enough for himself to buy a small apartment in San Francisco. He continues to work his way up the corporate ladder and is promoted to vice president of the company in only two years. His life is now that of a business man and he flies all over the country attempting to sell his company’s phone services. He heads back to Laguna once a year at most but is disgusted to see that they have not changed their ways to adapt to modern times. He dies at the age of 80 a millionaire and the father of three children born from his wife, a white woman.

Ceremony 9

Tayo decides that he is needed at home and that the rains must come sooner or later. After three months it has still not rained and Tayo’s entire heard has died, as well as the crops. He is left deciding what to do and realizes that he must try to make it to a neighboring Indian tribe. He starts to drive his truck toward their reserve but runs out of gas halfway through in the middle of the desert. With no food, money, or clothing to barter for he dies of exposure in three days.

Ceremony 8

Tayo is saddened and enraged by Rocky’s death but he sees no reason to join the war. He is needed at home to continue to steer the cattle and work the land. The war is also a white man’s war. The United States has taken land from his people, treated them as second class citizens, and has killed many. He sees no reason to put his life in danger protecting it. After five years his herd is thinning and there is a severe drought. Tayo knows he must do something but is unsure of what. He hears rumors that there are good jobs out in California for those willing to work hard. Should Tayo… 3bb. Stay home and hope the rains come soon 3cc. Head to California in search of a job.

Ceremony 6

Rocky ships out to war in a couple months leaving Tayo at home to work the land with Josiah and to ensure money continues to come in to support the family. Tayo enjoys the work and loves tracking the cattle with Josiah. However, Auntie has turned even colder to Tayo as she feels it was his duty to go off to war with Rocky to make sure he isn’t killed. Unexpectedly Josiah passes away leaving Tayo to do most of the work himself. Within a week of Josiah’s passing Auntie receives word that Rocky was killed in action. This upsets Tayo greatly and he must decide whether to… 2a. Enlist in the Army and kill to avenge Rocky’s death 2b. Stay home and continue to work the land and provide for the family

Ceremony 5

1b. Tayo returns home after ignoring Betonie and deciding not to engage in his Ceremony. Tayo thinks it is foolish and all he needs is medicine. However the dreams keep coming in the dead of night and Tayo continues to hear the sickening sound of Rocky’s head being crushed. Tayo starts to drink more and more at the local bar. Eventually Tayo’s tribe kicks him off the Laguna land and Tayo is forced to wander around the desert penniless and with only the clothes on his back. He makes it one week before dying in his sleep due to exposure to the elements.

Ceremony 4

Tayo decides that his best course of action is to sit tight in the boulder. He finally understands what keeps the cycle going around and around. People let anger take over and then take the lives of those around him. Revenge is not what Tayo needs, he must break from the cycle if he hopes to be cured from his illness and he finally realizes this. Tayo does not let the witchery take him over. The men leave after a couple hours and Tayo makes his way back home almost a healed man. The only thing left to do is to tell Ku’oosh his story.

Ceremony 3

Tayo charges at Emo with the screwdriver in his hand. He is about ten feet away when he trips on a hidden rock and the screwdriver flies out of his sweaty hands and lands at the feet of Emo. When they see what is happening Leroy and Pinkie stop fighting and Tayo is quickly surrounded by the three men. Tayo has given into the witchery and his last vision is Emo pointing a gun to his head. He doesn’t even hear the sound of the gunshot.

Ceremony 2

Tayo’s journey is almost complete. He is now sitting in a crevasse at an abandoned mine behind a large boulder. Tayo is hiding from Pinkie, Leroy, and Emo. Only a couple minutes earlier Tayo witnessed the three men beat up and torture Harley. Tayo feels he must stop the beating. If he just sits in the boulders and witnesses the horrific acts he feels he will lose his sanity. Tayo grips his screwdriver in his hand and waits for an opportunity to drive it threw Emo’s skulls. Pinkie and Leroy get in a fight giving Tayo the opportunity he has been looking for. Should Tayo… 1aa. Charge Emo 1bb. Sit tight in his hiding place

Ceremony 1

After a couple years Tayo arrives back home to his tribe in Laguna. However he is not well. He witnessed the death of his brother, Rocky, and holds on to the belief that Josiah was shot right in front of his eyes. He can’t sleep at night, every time he closes his eyes he hears the sound of Rocky’s skull being crushed. Nothing is physically wrong with him but it seems he has just lost the will to live. He is slowly dying in his bed. The medicine man Ku’oosh visited him the other day but his methods only work for old war not the new modern war where the individual sometimes doesn’t know whether or not they killed someone. Tayo’s only hope now is to visit Old Betonie in Gallup. According to Betonie Tayo must go on his own journey to make himself well. Should Tayo… 1a. Go on his journey 1b. Return home and ignore Betonie


Tayo and Rocky walk into a recruiter’s office on an early Monday morning. The year is 1942 and there is a war going on. The United States has been drawn into World War II and the Army is looking for as many recruits as it can get. Tayo doesn’t understand why any Native Americans would want to fight for Uncle Sam because of how they have treated the Laguna people, however he agreed to accompany Rocky to the recruiter’s station. The recruiter just finished telling them about the money they’d make, the places they’d see, and other benefits of enlisting in the Army. Tayo is not convinced and feels he must stay at home and help Josiah work the land and the new cattle. He is ready to walk out the door when Rocky suddenly takes a pen and signs his name on the dotted line. The recruiter then hands Tayo the pen. Should Tayo….. 1. Sign the paper 2. Walk out and leave Rocky to go to war by himself